Ex-Director, renal unit at Ospedale Maggiore, Milan

Claudio Ponticelli earned his medical degree at the University of Milan, Milan, Italy, in 1961. After completing his residency at the University of Milan in 1964, Doctor Ponticelli worked in the Division of Nephrology of Ospedale Maggiore Milan until his retirement in October 2003. He also earned specialist’s degrees in endocrinology (University of Turin, Turin, Italy, 1963), urology (University of Milan, 1970), and nephrology (University of Turin, 1972). From 1983 to 2003, he was Professor of Nephrology at the University of Milan, and from 2006 on, he has been Visiting Professor of Nephrology at the University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy. Dr Claudio Ponticelli was a consultant for Novartis Italy and since October 2004, for the Istituto Scientifico Auxologico in Milan.Doctor Ponticelli’s research interests have mainly concerned transplantation, the development of immunosuppressives in kidney transplantation patients, the treatment of membranous glomerulonephritis with immunosuppressives, urinary sedimentation, the treatment of primary and secondary glomerulitis, and dialysis.In addition to more than 640 publications in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Transplantation, Kidney International, Transplantation, and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Doctor Ponticelli has written many book chapters and edited or coedited numerous books, his H-Index is 69. He has served or is still serving as a member of the editorial board of Clinical Nephrology, Nephron, American Journal of Transplantation, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, and the Journal of American Society of Nephrology to name a few, and is an honorary member of a number of nephrological societies, including the Romanian Society of Nephrology, the Société de Néphrologie, and the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN).During his career, Professor Claudio Ponticelli has been a member of the Council of the Italian Society of Nephrology, the Italian–American Society of Nephrology, and the International Society of Nephrology, and of the Nomination Committee of the International Society of Nephrology. He also served as President of the Italian Society of Nephrology in 1998–2000. Doctor Ponticelli has received the Harris Prize, and Gold Medals from the cities of Milan and Terni (Italy) and from the Catalan Society of Transplantation. Professor Ponticelli is also an honorary FRCP (Edinburgh) and an honorary speaker at the University of Toronto, Canada.He was awarded an Eurolupus Meritorius Award in Athens (2015), ERA/EDTA Award for outstanding scientific achievements in London (2016), Luigi Migone Award by the Italian Society of Nephrology in Rimin (2017).
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